onsdag 19. desember 2012

Metaltråd ærbeide

This was a great project because  of the material we could choose material as in interior or gullsmed , when starting I had an basic idea of making a car but that was proving very hard so I started with something simpler I took a copper coated aluminum string and started twisting it I soon saw that I had to find the balance spot on things which I got better at by doing an exercise balancing a can of battery with liquid in it the balance spot was only achievable when there was enough liquid in the can. So I thought I could make the balance spot smaller so I took everything out of the can and bent in the middle now the balance was hard to find but my eagerness to do things lead me to find the balance. I tried this also with a cut of burn can and it worked perfectly. Now I knew how to find a got balance in the object that I was making. I took up the  string of twisted aluminum and found an old led from a computer  I put it at the top of the string and put a copper plate over the led to make a good shading effect or how the finished product would look like. This is how.

After this light I made I was eager to make more things that had good balance  so I thought why not make a flower so I started to cut up aluminum cans that we recycled by using it in this project and piecing them together to make a flower in this experiment I used a string of black iron it proved to be stronger and harder to bend and twist. The base of this flower was a salamander foot that I formed in my hands and then hit with a hammer on the floor to make straight as possible I connected tha twisted up string and the foot together and it stood perfectly this made for a great decoration .

In jet another attempt at balance I used aluminum strings and now only copper plating to make the flower I put a circle shaped base which rose from the ground up and made a great challenge balancing. But at the end worked as seen here.

All of my projects work in almost all environments and might be used as decorations or shining light at the book you are reading the whole project was a fight against gravity but at the end I always won.  We were supposed to put our  project in to the environment that it should be in there I used Photoshop to put my  project into their place in the pictures I used the contras settings to make the picture seem brighter and also a little blur effect around my objects to make them stand a little bit more out from the background.

             Agnar Einarsson